Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Excuse my anger

Restorative Justice teaches us that vengeance and vindication are not similar terms.  It teaches us that even though a person should be held accountable for his deeds, it is a shift from punitive (punishment) to restorative (restoring the status quo) mind frames.

Excuse my anger and excuse the fact that I am pissed off today at people in general who fluff up wrong doing.  I absolutely believe in restorative justice, however I also believe that people, especially adults should take responsibility for their actions.  Are adults not the parents who raise children who can either excel, or tumble?

It is my firm belief that a person is a victim up to a point.  I am not ignorant to pain and psychological suffering, I do however believe that it becomes a choice at some point, you can choose to address it, to work at it, to better yourself, to take control over your own life.

Excuse me for being angry at people who are horribly mean and hurt others and then make excuses.  There is no excuse.  In terms of a child, who may or may not know better, I would say that there can be exceptions, because, children take direction from adults.  So why then, should I sympathize with people (ADULTS) who do not care about the filth they spew onto others?  If someone angers you, talk to them, not about them.  If you are mad at someone, do not think of every horrible name, derogatory word or fault they may have to sling at them.  Be an adult and talk like an adult.  Take responsibility.

My associate and I work SO hard to better this world.  We work with children, educators, parents and society.  No matter how hard we work, or how much effort we put in, it means nothing, if people do not change their attitude, or be careful of what they say.  Then all the sweat and tears in the world, won't fix a thing.

Excuse me, for being angry.